"Viola dans la brume"- -Art Column

Smoky purple-The florence of Viola

   The sun setted in the west, all the birds went to dreamland, and the earth fell into a deep sleep too. In the darkness of the night, far away from the old castle, there is a faint candlelight from the room of a noble maiden. The maiden lay in her bed, decorated with magnificent lace curtains, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. To calm her mind, she went to the table, picked up the smallest candle and gently lit a thread of incense on a silver burner. As the red warmth of the candle flame slowly penetrated into the incense , a woody fragrance as fresh and light as a forest slowly spread out, bringing a pleasant coolness to the sultry summer night. Then followed by a faint floral scent. Soft and subdued, the fragrance of Viola turns into a light mist of smoky purple that fills the air, soothing and pleasant.

White moth-The follower of light

 The candlelight in the house attracts a furry white moth . The lonely white moth wanders around, alone in the long dark night, looking for the light and hope that only belongs to her. The fiery red candle light seems to be full of magic, drawing the moth closer and closer. The candlelight in the house attracts a furry white moth . The lonely white moth wanders around, alone in the long dark night, looking for the light and hope that only belongs to her. The fiery red candle light seems to be full of magic, drawing the moth closer and closer. Finally when the soft delicate wings touched the fiery wick, with a poof, the warm firelight embraced the white moth's body tightly. The silence of the summer night was broken and startled, the young maiden looked at the window side. The white moth had turned into a wisp of smoke, dissolving into a smoky purple fragrance. Only the scaly powder scattered from her wings still glowed like the fragments of burnt-out fireworks, slowly drifting down. Finally, she returned to her own world of light. The smoky purple fragrant mist still rises up accompanied by candlelight. Enchanting and gentle, but with a hint of cruelness.

Eternal Light-Eternal Hope

 Everyone has a light in their heart that they aspire to. It brings them hope and guides their passion. None knows what will happen when we finally run towards and touch it. Even if everything ends up vanishing into nothing, the persistence and courage to fight for the light in your hearts is still beautiful and charming as always.