We have recently confirmed the presence of counterfeit and imitation products (including replicas of the "Teur et Ruban Robe (OP) 2024") bearing the “Juliette et Justine” brand on social media platforms, online shopping sites, auctions, and resale platforms.
Our company has no affiliation whatsoever with any social media accounts, websites, or platforms selling counterfeit or imitation products, including the replicas of "Teur et Ruban Robe (OP) 2024".
Characteristics of Counterfeit or Imitation Products (Replicas):
✕ Blurred colors or patterns on prints, or irregular stitching
✕ Fabric that is thinner or differs from authentic products, lace patterns that do not match
✕ Sizes that differ from the authentic product
We are unable to provide any warranty, returns, or exchanges for products that have not been purchased through our official website or authorized domestic retailers.
Please also note that all of our products are manufactured exclusively in Japan.
When purchasing our products, please exercise caution and be vigilant against counterfeit and imitation products (replicas). We strongly recommend purchasing only through authorized channels to ensure authenticity.
<Juliette et Justine Official Website for Genuine Products> https://www.Julietteetjustine.com
We apologize for any concern this may cause, and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Lumière de Merveilles Ltd.