A dress petticoat that makes you feel beautiful.
Surrender to the waves of ruffles
that flutter from the hem of the dress...
- Poupée -
【現品販売】Encadreur d'Aphrodite(dress petticoat)
アフロディーテ フレーマー

A shining presence in the crowd,
a beautiful silhouette that attracts everyone's attention.
Just wear it with one of your favourite dress
It will bring a special magic to your everyday life.
This dress petticoat was inspired by paintings.
It is the frame that makes a masterpiece a masterpiece.
like a perfect stage set to divide normal daily life
and a special space that allows you to lose yourself
in the world of the painting.
Even today, it is said that the price of art is determined by its framing.
The stereoscopic looks and colour of the beautiful tulle ruffles
are arranged in a soft and elegant silhouette.
It will give you a new glamour to your dresses and skirts.
The waistband is made by high flexibility stretch tape
Wearing it with different dresses,
It will creates the most perfect waistline,
and gives you a beautiful silhouette.
This dress petticoat looks great with
Skirts which length is between 45cm and 65cm.
It can also be used as a pannier over a longer dress.
- Color Variation -
An aroma inscribed as a traditional combination with sweets,
a classic white
<Charbon black>
Charcoal dust rising up from countless great paintings,
this is the black of art, the black of charcoal.
The flower language is first love.
Its elegant colours will bring you 'pride' and 'beauty'.
<Leaf Green>
Grey cloudy skies, slightly chilly breeze and waving green leaves,
the girl looked up,“ today might be a rainy day”.